Mahabir Pun wins the Internet Society’s Jonathan B. Postel Service Award for bringing the Internet to rural Nepal.

Inaugural Hall of Fame inductee Vint Cerf tells the Washington Post: Inside every 71-year-old there’s a 17-year-old wondering what happened.
Internet Hall of Famer Dai Davies named one of “50 Top Welsh Men and Women of All Time.” What we want to know is: How the heck did he beat out Tom Jones and Shirley Bassey?
Newsweek noted that, thanks to Internet Hall of Famer Brewster Kahle, the technology exists to preserve all the world’s data, “and we ignore it at our own risk.”
The challenge for the Internet today is to avoid becoming “just a corporate entertainment delivery system,” according to Internet Hall of Famer Michael Roberts.
Class of 2014 Internet Hall of Fame inductee Paul Vixie is, of course, well aware of the momentous benefits of Internet, but he’s also not unaware of its drawbacks.