Craig Newmark is the founder of Craigslist, the web-based platform that has fundamentally changed classified advertising. Since its founding in 1995, craigslist has become one of the world’s 10 most-visited English language web platforms. Today there are craigslist websites virtually everywhere and serving every continent on earth (except Antarctica).
Craigslist provides users with mostly free advertising opportunities, and is meant to allow people to help each other with basic needs like housing and jobs. It is based on a culture of trust, encouraging participants to play an active role in policing the information that is shared on the site.
Craig was born December 6, 1952 in Morristown, NJ. Today, he resides in San Francisco’s Cole Valley.
He attended Case Western Reserve University where he earned a B.S. in Computer Science in 1975 and a M.S. in Computer Science in 1977. His thesis was entitled “Fundamental Models of Computer Systems and Their Relationship to Information Security.”
In 1976, Craig began his business career with IBM, where he spent nearly 17 years. He subsequently worked in programming for Charles Schwab, Bank of America, and other firms.
In 1995, while working for Charles Schwab, Craig launched craigslist in his flat as a free way for people to share information about events in San Francisco.
In March 2011 Craig launched craigconnects, his initiative to link up everyone on the planet using the Internet to bear witness to good efforts and encourage the same behavior in others. craigconnects seeks to support technology and platforms that enhance connectivity, help more people and organizations do “good” in the world, and improve and ensure media integrity.
craigconnects evolved from Craig’s many years of personal involvement with non-profit organizations and issues he considers to be vital. He currently serves on the board of directors of three non-profit organizations, on the advisory board of eleven others, and provides personal or financial support to dozens more. These organizations are involved in using the Internet to help solve social issues, provide for America’s returning veterans, drive funding for school projects directly to the classroom, or help government agencies and groups with their innovation initiatives.